Next Up…

I present you with the next project area on the layout. Apologies for the weird effect from the panoramic photo. The photos below give you better views of the actual dimensions.

It may not look like much and, at the moment, it’s not. But there will be a reasonable amount going on here when I’m done. I talked a little bit about this area a while back in this post.

This area will represent S. Newkirk St., Consolidated Coal, and Cambridge Iron & Metal. That’s a lot of ground to cover, literally and figuratively.

Compression dictates that I take some liberties with the prototype here to fit things in. And to that end, I’m playing with forced perspective for the first time. The National Gypsum plant will be visible behind the Consolidated Coal loop. In Canton, it’s set pretty far from the viewer, but I need to fill an area of only a few inches between the track and the wall. So, we’ll see how that goes.

The first step is to paint the track. And truth be told, I’ve been procrastinating on that. There’s a lot of masking to be done and a lot of newspaper to be hung, which can be pretty tedious.

After that, things will start to come together. I’ve already been doing some mock-ups and such, which I’ll cover in some upcoming posts.

Stay tuned!

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